Instructions for the display ads
- Format: GIF, JPEG, Flash or Html
- deliver the url address with the material
- banner should open in a new window
- banner shouldn’t contain sounds, unless user clicks it
- The maximum size for the banner is 55 kt (except for the Parade banner, where it’s 90 kt)
About Flash banners:
- expandable banners needs to be agreed about as a special case. In general: the banner shouldn’t do anything without user clicking it.
- if the banner contains video, the video part can be bigger than 30 kt, but it can’t start/upload without users actions
- in the banner link there needs to be a clickTAG accordingly (for the click counting):
on (release) {
getURL(_root.clickTAG, ”_blank”);}
- more detailed intructions on Adobe web site
- along the Flash -banners, you should provide us also the GIF or JPEG-version of the ad. That picture will be shown, if the browser doesn’t support Flash.
Please be in contact, if there is something more you need to know about the material delivery. We are happy to help: [email protected]